Key elements, Profiles, and more
A quick list of the latest articles, and a glimpse of what's coming
Rundown of last few weeks
I wanted to provide a quick digest of the last few weeks of articles, and ask that you share my newsletter with as many people as you think would enjoy it. As I’ve mentioned my goal for this is to step into the next phase of my career as a professional coach for software developers. It’s small steps, but exciting and I’ve also really enjoyed the writing!
Key coaching elements
This week I finished a three part series to cover the key elements of coaching for Attainable. In these articles I describe why I chose these elements, and give a brief overview of how they are considered within coaching.
If you are interested in receiving professional coaching please feel free to reach out.
Profiles in software
I also published the first profile in software with Charity Majors this month and I’m really excited about the next one coming this week. I hope these gain momentum because I really enjoy meeting these folks and writing about them.
I’ve finished the next two interviews, and will be publishing the second profile this week, and I’ll have August ready very soon. If you have ideas on who you’d like to have a profile on - please let me know!